Hrak Torousian

Full Stack Developer


About me

Experienced Web Developer with a demonstrated history of work in the web agency and tech startup industry. Always curious and eager about gaining more knowledge in modern-day web and software technologies and beyond, to create eye-catching experiences and solve real-world problems.

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Number: 818-658-4368

Latest Work

Here you can find some of of my work or the work I have been involved in
Worked on redesign project for Took care of many for future use by the team of developers. Learned the methods of using storybook components, commerace technologies and improving SEO and Accesibility
Web App
Participated in development of a web experience meant to showcase Toyota's latest model. The panorama experience included many overlay info displays which were created by me.
Grand + Nash
Took part in one of my first major agency projects. Worked in an AGILE enviornment alongside designers. Helped in creation of a unique ground up experience for a real estate business